Category: writings


The truth is in the eyes of the buffalo, The way of gentleness which conquers all hate, The life which cannot be put out. He wanders not on accident, as if far from home. He is there to be found, to be taken and led, Leading us through all in the utmost humility. (after reading the chapter “How to Tell a True War Story” in the book, The Things They Carried)


Is evidence found in or on the text? No answer comes forth straight, nor ever does. If habit only answers, I say, in. But when inquiring further, what if on? If evidence is only standing on, Then text has nothing deeper than the skin. A surface with no depth in which to plunge. Sometimes, I think, ‘tis fitting to say on. If evidence is found not on but in, Then volume it requires, not area, Not on a plane, but wide and open space. Sadly evidence may sometimes be just on.


See how the grass stands, grown, without a roof, Four patches kept from sun to make them thrive, Their tires gone, yet imprints left in life Give ears to hear their presence clearly move. ‘Tis from a different time and now dull red, Its former brilliance faded through long wear; Though steering wheel and handles used till bare, Tires run long miles to change have often led. Not left to rot, a remnant of excess, Not rightly called antique, as some would say, But centered to the straight and narrow way. Last of a cohort, made for nothing less Than service true, for never did they stray The type by which the future could be built.


Serving to a Fault,
Defaulting to Service.
A life spent striving to be spent
Poured out as an offering.

A farm girl caught in a city life,
Primal simplicity wasted not
On the severed souls she helped.
O, that we too could find simpleness.

That we have,
In the picture of love among us,
Like the servant farmer before her,
The daughter’s incense rises above.


This is an e-mail from a friend of mine and I could not help but put a couple of my comments to it here online so that more people could benefit from it.

[My wife] got the D40, it was an eBay buy. I wish that we had a better lens, it came with a lower end model. We are saving up and hoping to get a better one soon, they are all just so stinking expensive. It has been great, though, being able to catch those moments with [our kid] that you normally wouldn’t because of the slow shutter speed on the point and shoot digital. I know there are some ways to tweaking the camera so you can get a little better shot out of it, but I haven’t had the chance to play with it enough.

What new lens should my friend buy? Are there some not so expensive lenses out there for amateur photographers on a limited budget? I have just the answer.


Under the stars in bright rainbow display,
Towering round the heights through every step
Teaching us full hearted belly laugh shouts,
Acclaiming yon,
Proclaiming bon,


Are we the seeing beings we think we are?
Do we know all we think we know?
I suggest a life beyond ourselves.



Never have word and beauty so combined,
Saying what neither could if said alone;
Eyes hold me fixed from their first loving touch.

Your words of patience slay my hardened heart,
A sacrifice for love you have yet gained;
Aroma sweet burns off the dross of years.


Sweet small insignificant are the memories that hold you most. Innocent they lead me to my most desired place, Child-like, clinging to the waist of the one they most love. An even pastel, the pleasant and soothing setting, Smoothing edges, preparing for friends to come in peace. Simplest of fabrics, drawing no attention but in serving, Bringing to each their wants with reward only in joy. Thus, the gentle night breeze guides my mind to thoughts of home.


From day’s beginning, I could feel spring infecting me. The rainy season is full of energy: it is the worst of travel, it is the best of travel. With it come the rains, floods, and landslides that epitomize the very worst of China travel. It is also vibrant China at its best. The mountains are green, the paddies are freshly sprouted with new rice, and the rain keeps everything brilliantly colored all day. I had always avoided travel for the negatives, but now find the beauty tucked behind the foreboding veil.


I had assumed until now that China was more conducive to producing laughable stories than my homeland, but I have been shown how foolish a thought that was. After a week and half of being home, traveling here and there, seeing friends and family, I headed down to visit the home of my brother and sister-in-law down in Waco. The week before we, the family, had all been on vacation together at a lake where we have vacationed for years. This is where the story begins.