Tag: social


We had a great time on the photo walk here in Temple. Well, I guess I should not speak for everybody, but I had fun, anyway. Shooting buildings and other non-living objects is not really my thing (and downtown Temple on a weekend, is not exactly a bustling capital), but I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to bring a few fellow photography lovers together. Here are a few of the photos from our walk in Temple.

Worldwide Photo Walkers 2010, Temple Texas

We are almost there: 24 July is the day of Scott Kelby’s third annual Worldwide Photowalk, and little Temple, Texas is joining thousands of cities worldwide in this massive, yet personal, event. If you are in the Temple area and are open, you simply must give it some thought; the more the merrier.

I have missed the first two Worldwide Photowalks because I was bouncing around the wrong place in the wrong country to be able to meet up with one of the several photowalks around my parts of China and Thailand. Now, I am stationary here in Temple as the walk comes around a third time and I am elated to be able to join in the fun.