Waiting for a Kick

waiting for the kick of a baby, en utero
None of these children had ever felt a baby move in a mother’s belly. Once one of them found out that is was ok to sit and feel the mommy’s tummy, the whole gang jumped in. And here they are: joking, waiting, snickering, and living this one moment to its fullest.

That is children’s forte. Children often know how to fully live in the moment, a skill adults often warp into new meaning. Children will enjoy the ice cream, enjoy it all over their face, down their shirt, and everywhere else. Adults all have their patterns of eating tastefully or carefully or methodically. They have almost lost the ice cream moment.

Anyway, in the picture, the one with the big belly is my wife, though the belly is just about all you see of her in this photo. The belly bump you see here became flesh just a few days ago, and I I thought it fitting to share this photo.

Cooper Strange Written by:


  1. Trajan Lester

    This is a neat shot! All the kids hands reaching are a cool effect!

  2. 2007-08-08

    This was one of those great moments (for photographers) that seemed to last long enough for even the slowest to react to snap a shot or two. I shot this from several angles and took my time without ever disturbing the persistent little ones from their patient duties.

  3. Roy

    Marvellous and captivating. This is the kind of photo about which poems are written. So much feeling and meaning contained here, right down to the wedding banded finger of the mother’s hand gently covering the hands of the excited kids.

  4. 2007-08-20

    I felt similarly. I did not know if was just me, because the whole scene was around my child, but I loved the feelings it aroused in me. And, not that I did it on purpose when I took the shot, but I think the ring really puts the final touch on the scene.

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