To Edit or Not To Edit

I took this photo a while back, and though the photo itself does not really say all that much, the editing really brought out a different perspective. It was really just a test shot to play with my circ-polar filter and how the wet surfaces showed up. Back in the computer, I briefly played around with it in my raw image editor, UFRaw, and a very different image began to appear.

cartoon styled photo editing

As I played with the luminosity, I was able to make the colors look much less real life and much more black & white with bits of color here in there. I cannot help thinking some Japanese cartoon figure is going to fall out of the sky and land on the roof with sword in hand. No wait, maybe the character should absolutely destroy the roof as he lands on it. Yeah, much better.

original styled photo editing

Here is the original. Nothing much there, I admit, but it would be fun to do a whole series of photos with the cartoon styling and to find out what kinds of photos made more “believable” cartoon sets and really run with the idea. That is not for me, though. I want to work harder at communicating reality, even though I enjoyed this brief glimpse into a cartoon world.

Cooper Strange Written by: