Hammock Break

Man takes a quick rest from moving bags of concrete on a hot Chiangmai day.
Man takes a quick rest from moving bags of concrete on a hot Chiangmai day.

I just could not pass this one up. This is only a few feet away from where I park the truck. So, I got the family all strapped in, popped off the lens cap, and went back for the shot.

Actually, for me, this was a quick “can I take your photo” experiment. I often just get some kind of visual affirmation, the knowing nod, that taking a photo is ok, because I want to take it when I want and without the subject looking at the camera and smiling.

I have decided, though, that there are some shots that will happen better if you ask. Of course, you could do both: take the sneaky shot then ask and take more. Still, with this guy, I had other shots of him looking at his phone (that is what is on his chest, in a cute little case), but I liked this one more.

I am just trying to get more used to asking folks for their photos. This guy looked at me first, then looked away…so I still can get my non posed shot. I do not think I am going to walk away from the stealth shots, though, but asking sure adds diversity to the subject matter.

And the Yosemite Sam mudflaps, in Thailand, are a nice touch!

Cooper Strange Written by: