Achieving the Right Look for a Photography Website

It has been quite a hassle to figure out how to set up my website so it was both well-organized and appealing to the eye. I previously used MovableType blogging software for my blog, and that was easily woven into my overall website organization and look. Well, fairly easily, anyway.

The trouble started when I decided to move to WordPress blogging software, a move mainly for all the easy little extensions and add-ons that MovableType just does not have…or are much harder to integrate. After going through all the trouble of moving over, I then realized I had given up way too much of the original reason I chose to use MovableType: organization and look.

Loads of little organizational things were annoying, but the real kicker was trying to display my gallery pages. They looked like this:


I was planning on using the WordPress Lightbox plug-in, so the display of the photos would have greyed out all that junk, but the main page listing all the galleries was that white, two-column, comment-able, dated, titled, mess of a page. Eech!

So, I went back to MovableType. Long story short, as you can see, I ended up back in WordPress again. I cannot explain it, but even when I used different browsers to log into the admin interface, certain buttons just stopped working, important things like, “post”, “delete”, and such. I did not have the time to figure it all out. I tried totally re-installing; I tried different browsers. It would work for a few clicks, then buttons just went dead,

So, here I am back in WordPress, messing with all this techy stuff in hopes of creating an organized and appealing site to house my photographs. I am taking it one step at a time, but I will go ahead and organize the site the way I want just using good, old, hand-crafted HTML, so my landing page and galleries are appealing, and then force WordPress to play by my organizational rules later.

Cooper Strange Written by:

One Comment

  1. Greg Smith

    What a great article. I stumbled into your site when I was searching for movies and I must say I really enjoyed your post. Will be back to check more out in the future!

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