Walking through Holy Week

Reading of the Passion Gospels
Reading of the Passion Gospels

Reading the Six Psalms
Reading the Six Psalms


Entrance with the Gospel on Palm Sunday
Entrance with the Gospel on Palm Sunday


...and your joy will be complete.
…and your joy will be complete.


Keeping vigil at the Cross
Keeping vigil at the Cross


Listen to the Holy Gospel


Reading of the Passions Gospels
Reading of the Passions Gospels


the center of attention
the center of attention


Noble Joseph wrapped Jesus in fine linen and laid Christ in a new tomb.
Noble Joseph wrapped Jesus in fine linen and laid Him in a new tomb.


The Light and Life within the tomb is about to reveal Itself to the world.
The Light and Life within the tomb is about to reveal Itself to the world.
Ignatius Strange Written by: